Dear Readers & Enthusiasts of all things Pretty,
I have been absent on and off for some time from this blog but want to reach out some more and include some interviews with other witches, more interactive (I will find how!) posts which ask for your opinion and even more information on how to live as an ethical witch. Therefore I encourage you to send me in any information which would help to make the Craft as ethical as possible as - apart from sharing beautiful things - I would like it to become a strong theme of this blog.
As ever, I insist that this blog remain free for all readers in every sense: no horrible advertisements and no payment will ever be necessary on any level for you to obtain all of the information here. I insist on sharing information for free and it will stay that way. What is posted here will be purely for the benefit of your spirituality, the earth and your hearts.
Of course, if any readers would like to see more of anything, I can see what I can do! I do work full time and don't get to the blog incredibly often.
Peace, love and blessed be,
)O( Elspeth.
If you're interested in "interviewing" other witches... well, one thing I have been struggling with (that my patroness(es) have been quite adamant with me about lately) is putting my opinions, knowledge and experiences out there. I don't know what all I could contribute, but I'm willing to offer anything you think might be of interest to your readers.
I've begun perusing blogs more frequently lately, so just created the gmail account so I could begin commenting. I keep yours in an RSS feed in my outlook :)
So sorry I've only just gotten back to you, I haven't been on my blog for a really long time! Where are you? Send me an e-mail and tell me more about what you do:
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